Holocaust Memorial Day 2022
"When we learn about the Holocaust and more recent genocides we learn for a purpose: to challenge present-day discriminations and hostility."
This is a quote from Rabbi Cliff Cohen, from the Thanet and District Reform Synagogue, who spoke at the Ramsgate Holocaust Memorial Day service. Other moving speeches were also made including the Mayor of Ramsgate.
Guests gathered at Ramsgate's Albion Gardens Today for a service to honour and remember those that have lost their lives through genocide in the past and present.
The picture presented is the hashtag for this years Holocaust Memorial Day, and was drawn in the sand at Ramsgate Beach by Mooch and the team, to promote todays service.
To find out more about this poignant, global event, please go to hmd.org.uk
"Never forget. Never again"
Photo credit: @Antwrightvideography