Yesterday saw our first proper survey of the landing stage on the Eastern harbour arm in Ramsgate and what an extraordinary place it is. Originally built in the 1940’s, ferries would moor here and passengers disembark to continue their journeys. There are parts of the structure that are eroding but the section we intend to work on is in surprisingly good condition. Thanks to the Thanet District Council Harbour Engineer, Lee Beaumont for leading the access and thanks also to Ivan del Renzio from Del Renzio and Del Renzio Architects and James Wright from Considine Civil and Structural Engineers for their input and expertise. Dan Whitehead from Roar video kindly recorded our investigation of this site that has not been accessed for years. Watch this space…
View underneath the Ramsgate harbour old landing stage. Photo: Dan Whitehead
Theresa Mooch on the beach with Lee and James overlooked by the PERFUGIUM MISERIS lighthouse. Photo: Dan Whitehead
The Ramsgate skyline behind the landing stage beach. Photo: Dan Whitehead